Certification Process

Please submit all PSC documents to: Shannon Dotsikas | sdotiskas@twiggs.k12.ga.us
Establish a PSC Account: www.gapsc.com. This is critical for timely communication regarding your certification with the Georgia ProfessionalStandards Commission.
All certificate-related actions require submission of a completed Application and Employer Assurance Form
To expedite the process, TCPS HR department submits completed application packets electronically.
Official college transcripts must be submitted in one of the following ways:
- Emailed to mail@gapsc.com by the college/university in a secure electronic format (Parchment or E-Script, etc)
- Mailed directly to PSC (must be marked official, in a sealed envelope issued by the institution:
Georgia Professional Standards Commission
Certificate Division
200 Piedmont Ave. SE | Suite 1702
Atlanta, GA 30334-9032 - Submitted electronically by an employing LEA through TCPS Human Resources. Transcripts submitted by Twiggs HR must be official or unofficial copies from the institution (Word, JPEG, or PNG images are not accepted).
The application package is considered complete when all required forms have been completed, signed, notarized, and received at the central office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a complete package. Fees must be paid online via your MYPSC account. Once your completed application package is received, it will be submitted to PSC Certification Division for evaluation. Notification of eligibility or requests for further actions (i.e., test scores, transcripts, etc), it will be issued electronically through your MyPSC account.
Campus Notaries:
- JES: Jarvis Wilcher
- CO: Mindy Floyd, Stephanie Collins
It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor your PSC account for the status of your application and to address all correspondence. Additionally, it is the applicant’s responsibility to remain abreast of your certification expiration date and begin the renewal process at least 90 days prior to expiration. Please notify HR of any changes in your certification status immediately. If changes to your certificate impact your pay scale, you must complete the PSC UPDATE Application and have a valid certificate reflecting the change before the adjustment can be made to your salary.
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